Krayzee Whizzdom 3
Good Day, Traveler. My name is Christopher and I have compiled in this work something that I find hard to express.
It is a series of anecdotes, poems, short-stories, lyrics and art. I poured it all ...
Good Day, Traveler. My name is Christopher and I have compiled in this work something that I find hard to express. It is a series of anecdotes, poems, short-stories, lyrics and art. I poured it all in here....why? I had it. I wrote it. Hours of contemplation on matters that are, or were, too big for my self have led to the creation of this work. I have worked hard and long to bring this about and so must you if you wish to get to the bottom of your self and find new heights for your spiritual self to occupy and fill with life and light. I see my books as guides that deal with certain topics in a certain way. To me my books, or my work in general, are and is what helps me to transcend, progress and let go. I channel it, for this is what I have. Raw emotions, expressed in all kinds of ways. In case you wish to purchase this book, I say: Be aware that this may change you in some unprecedented way. This may transform how you see your self and life in general. It has worked for me and I believe it can do the same for anyone who is trying to understand me in order to attain a more complex understanding of him or her self. The self. I have worked. You may read. Whatever this is, it feels complete.
- Auflage: 0
- Veröffentlichungsdatum: 11.04.2024
- Von Christopher Reusch
- Sprache: Englisch
- ISBN: 978-3-384-19774-0
- Seiten: 829
- Maße und Beschnitt: 14,8 x 21 cm
- Gewicht: 1308,9g
- Produktionszeit: 6 Werktage
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