Ziggy Lionheart
After 13year-old Ziggy was attacked by fanatical neighbours, his mom decided to send him away so he could find a place to live safe and sound. But like many other Africans who left their countries hop ...
After 13year-old Ziggy was attacked by fanatical neighbours, his mom decided to send him away so he could find a place to live safe and sound. But like many other Africans who left their countries hoping to find a better life, he had to experience unbelievable cruelties and had to fight again and again to survive. When he started a new life in Berlin, Germany, he was deeply afflicted getting bad news from home. Ziggy Lionheart is the story of a young man, who promised always to look forwards and never back. His story is about the power of hope and resilience.
- Auflage: 1
- Veröffentlichungsdatum: 01.10.2022
- Von Dembo Fatty, Jutta Michaud
- Satz & Layout: Iris van Beek
- Übersetzt von: Briand Bedford
- Sprache: Englisch
- ISBN: 978-3-347-74273-4
- Seiten: 188
- Maße und Beschnitt: 12 x 19 cm
- Gewicht: 204,3g
- Produktionszeit: 5 Werktage
- ISBN: 978-3-347-74274-1
- Entspricht 188 Standardseiten
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