Self - Encounters & the Intention Method
This book explains in detail Identity Oriented Psychotrauma Theory (IoPT) and the method of therapy that goes along with it (The Intention Method). Illustrated through numerous examples, the book show ...
This book explains in detail Identity Oriented Psychotrauma Theory (IoPT) and the method of therapy that goes along with it (The Intention Method). Illustrated through numerous examples, the book shows the amazing abilities our human psyche has to resonate with the psyche of others and how we can help bring unconscious processes to light. This is an extremely effective therapeutic process for genuine change.
- Auflage: 1
- Veröffentlichungsdatum: 25.03.2023
- Von Franz Ruppert
- (Lektorat): Ute Boldt
- (Satz & Layout): Susanne Bhangu
- (Übersetzt von): Simon Lys
- Sprache: Deutsch , Englisch
- Verlag: Eigenverlag
- ISBN: 978-3-9822115-6-5
- Seiten: 244
- Maße und Beschnitt: 14,8 x 21 cm
- Gewicht: 490,7g
- Produktionszeit: 6 Werktage
- ISBN: 978-3-9822115-7-2
- Entspricht 244 Standardseiten
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