Scientific Writing in Engineering
Scientific Writing in Engineering helps scientists, engineers, and students of all academic levels efficiently write scientific texts, such as scientific articles, conference papers, theses, reports, ...
Scientific Writing in Engineering helps scientists, engineers, and students of all academic levels efficiently write scientific texts, such as scientific articles, conference papers, theses, reports, and research proposals. Drawing from long-time experience in academic teaching, the authors walk the readers through scientific writing step by step all the way from a blank first page to complete manuscripts. A comprehensive list of concise recommendations and more than one hundred examples, taken from real-life scientific texts, offer readers the chance to draw easy analogies between own scientific texts and the examples provided in this book. The elaborate recommendations, with emphasis on specific characteristics of writing in engineering sciences, serve as complete self-study material that renders the book a practical guide to effective scientific writing. Readers will enhance their knowledge on structuring scientific texts and will learn to avoid pitfalls in use of English, including grammatical and syntactical phenomena. Readers are given the opportunity to handle non-textual elements in scientific writing, such as figures as well as mathematical equations and formulas. Finally, the book provides detailed discussions on citing and referencing along with recommendations on formal electronic correspondence.
- Auflage: 0
- Veröffentlichungsdatum: 21.08.2024
- Von Kay Smarsly, Kosmas Dragos
- Sprache: Englisch
- ISBN: 978-3-384-31012-5
- Seiten: 140
- Maße und Beschnitt: 12,5 x 19 cm
- Gewicht: 161,5g
- Produktionszeit: 5 Werktage
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