Print & Publishing

Monday at Ten

A True Story about Conscious Dying and Love
Von Carola Gehrke
E-Book (EPUB)
12,95 €
“Can you be a witness?”
“Huh? Excuse me? Witness? To what?” 
“To my passing.”

When Ulrich's request for assisted dying is approved, the author is plunged into a deep conflict. She’d not expected the  ...
  • Auflage: 0
  • Veröffentlichungsdatum: 01.12.2023
  • Von Carola Gehrke
  • Sprache: Englisch
Daten: Softcover
  • ISBN: 978-3-384-05175-2
  • Seiten: 140
  • Maße und Beschnitt: 12 x 19 cm
  • Gewicht: 155g
  • Produktionszeit: 5 Werktage
Daten: E-Book
  • ISBN: 978-3-384-05176-9
  • Entspricht 140 Standardseiten
Über den Autor
Mehr über Carola Gehrke
Carola Gehrke, born in 1965, studied biology, German literature and pedagogics at the Technical University, Berlin, in order to become a teacher. Early on she realized that her vision of intuitive learning and self empowering students was in opposition with the school system of the time. So instead
Carola Gehrke, born in 1965, studied biology, German literature and pedagogics at the Technical University, Berlin, in order to become a teacher. Early on she realized that her vision of intuitive learning and self empowering students was in opposition with the school system of the time. So instead
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