Guitar Shapes Navigator
The book "Guitar Shapes Navigator" deals with the determination of the positions of characteristic points, lines, distances and shapes of parts of the guitar as a whole. In contrast to technical drawi ...
The book "Guitar Shapes Navigator" deals with the determination of the positions of characteristic points, lines, distances and shapes of parts of the guitar as a whole. In contrast to technical drawings, "Guitar Shapes Navigator" does not use classic dimensions, but mainly the coordinates of the positions of the end points, center points, etc. Everything takes place in the X and Y coordinates of the normal Cartesian system. The third dimension, the Z coordinate, is used as needed. And the main role is played by the origin, the Z E R O P O I N T - actually invisible under the bridge.
- Auflage: 1
- Veröffentlichungsdatum: 23.08.2021
- Von Jan Jirasko
- Sprache: Englisch
- ISBN: 978-3-347-38654-9
- Seiten: 216
- Maße und Beschnitt: 17 x 22 cm
- Gewicht: 382,9g
- Produktionszeit: 5 Werktage
- ISBN: 978-3-347-36377-9
- Seiten: 216
- Maße und Beschnitt: 17 x 22 cm
- Gewicht: 544,7g
- Produktionszeit: 5 Werktage
- ISBN: 978-3-347-38655-6
- Entspricht 216 Standardseiten
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