It is a collection of stories, scenarios, words. Have you read it? Did you read it? I read it and it has become what it was meant to be. What words could make you decide for this book? If your feeling ...
It is a collection of stories, scenarios, words. Have you read it? Did you read it? I read it and it has become what it was meant to be. What words could make you decide for this book? If your feeling says yes, go for it. I suggest you read this book and reflect on all the emotions that come up during the process. This is not an easy read. This is a challenge. A challenge to you if you feel stuck. It is a way out, by understanding how you feel. Nobody but you can face these emotions. If you judge the content of this book, you know how you judge your self. If you judge your self, you can never be free. Maybe there is something in here for you to understand what it is that you wanted to hear? Scraps and riddles, that's all I got for you. Scraps are to a dying man like the whispers of cockaigne...
Auflage: 1
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 29.11.2022
Von Christopher Reusch
Daten: Softcover
ISBN: 978-3-347-79495-5
Seiten: 68
Maße und Beschnitt: 14,9 x 21 cm
Gewicht: 138g
Produktionszeit: 5 Werktage
Über den Autor
Mehr über Christopher Reusch
My name is Christopher Reusch. I was born on 6 February 1989 in Lüdenscheid. In 2014, I completed my bachelor's degree in environmental engineering at the University of Applied Sciences in Bingen. Afterwards, I decided to complete another degree programme, which would take me to South Africa. There
My name is Christopher Reusch. I was born on 6 February 1989 in Lüdenscheid. In 2014, I completed my bachelor's degree in environmental engineering at the University of Applied Sciences in Bingen. Afterwards, I decided to complete another degree programme, which would take me to South Africa. There I spent about 1.5 years researching vervet monkeys (Chlorocebus pygerythrus) in the South African savannah. I then graduated in 2020 with an M.Sc. in Wildlife. After my studies, I felt that I was different. After all, I had lived for several months in a small nature reserve, in the South African savannah. Surrounded by crocodiles, giraffes, snakes, scorpions, monkeys and various species of antelopes and birds, I had made experiences that changed my life. Experiences that changed me before I even realised it. The time during my studies helped me to get to know myself better and I went from being a committed atheist to a spiritual person. I became heavily involved with the teachings of spiritual masters and was initiated into Reiki Grade 1 in March 2020. But the journey did not stop there and so, in October 2020, I decided to turn my life upside down once again. I made the decision to spend as much time as I could on the question of what I actually wanted, until I had an answer. I found this answer and it was not an easy path to get there. I reached my limits several times and had to get to know myself all over again. Finally I knew that I wanted to write a book and so I wrote the first draft of a book called 'The Book of Fear'. Who am I, you ask? Maybe I am my achievements or my experiences. Probably I am the only one who knows who I am. One thing is clear though. I have learned to question the world that surrounds me and to draw my own conclusions. I don't fit into any pigeonhole because I am an individual. I am someone who has learned to recognise my limits and redefine myself. If you want to know more about me, my podcast and other projects, take a look at my website:
My name is Christopher Reusch. I was born on 6 February 1989 in Lüdenscheid. In 2014, I completed my bachelor's degree in environmental engineering at the University of Applied Sciences in Bingen. Afterwards, I decided to complete another degree programme, which would take me to South Africa. There
My name is Christopher Reusch. I was born on 6 February 1989 in Lüdenscheid. In 2014, I completed my bachelor's degree in environmental engineering at the University of Applied Sciences in Bingen. Afterwards, I decided to complete another degree programme, which would take me to South Africa. There I spent about 1.5 years researching vervet monkeys (Chlorocebus pygerythrus) in the South African savannah. I then graduated in 2020 with an M.Sc. in Wildlife. After my studies, I felt that I was different. After all, I had lived for several months in a small nature reserve, in the South African savannah. Surrounded by crocodiles, giraffes, snakes, scorpions, monkeys and various species of antelopes and birds, I had made experiences that changed my life. Experiences that changed me before I even realised it. The time during my studies helped me to get to know myself better and I went from being a committed atheist to a spiritual person. I became heavily involved with the teachings of spiritual masters and was initiated into Reiki Grade 1 in March 2020. But the journey did not stop there and so, in October 2020, I decided to turn my life upside down once again. I made the decision to spend as much time as I could on the question of what I actually wanted, until I had an answer. I found this answer and it was not an easy path to get there. I reached my limits several times and had to get to know myself all over again. Finally I knew that I wanted to write a book and so I wrote the first draft of a book called 'The Book of Fear'. Who am I, you ask? Maybe I am my achievements or my experiences. Probably I am the only one who knows who I am. One thing is clear though. I have learned to question the world that surrounds me and to draw my own conclusions. I don't fit into any pigeonhole because I am an individual. I am someone who has learned to recognise my limits and redefine myself. If you want to know more about me, my podcast and other projects, take a look at my website:
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