Dates & Don'ts
Dates & Don’ts is an intimate exploration of relationships in modern times told through a collection of stories that will make you gasp, giggle, and growl. It follows a Swixican (Swiss-Mexican) in her ...
Dates & Don’ts is an intimate exploration of relationships in modern times told through a collection of stories that will make you gasp, giggle, and growl. It follows a Swixican (Swiss-Mexican) in her early thirties as she wades through the murky waters of dating in digital times. It is an incredibly relatable, feel-good novel that touches on themes like dating rituals, gender stereotypes, self-confidence, and sexuality. If you’re looking for an uplifting, fresh, and funny take on dating told by a modern woman, this book is for you.
- Auflage: 1
- Veröffentlichungsdatum: 14.07.2022
- Von Aniela Vogel
- (Edited by): Catherine Ebneter
- Illustriert von: Noélie Martin
- Coverdesign von: Daniel Bermejo
- Sprache: Englisch
- ISBN: 978-3-347-66776-1
- Seiten: 152
- Maße und Beschnitt: 13,5 x 21,5 cm
- Gewicht: 213,1g
- Produktionszeit: 8 Werktage
- ISBN: 978-3-347-66777-8
- Seiten: 152
- Maße und Beschnitt: 13,5 x 21,5 cm
- Gewicht: 337,8g
- Produktionszeit: 9 Werktage
- ISBN: 978-3-347-66779-2
- Entspricht 152 Standardseiten
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